Win a wildcard to Championship St. Moritz or a ticket to Zürich

To all young sailing teams from Switzerland, Southern Germany and Austria: keen on drawing the big lot and win a wildcard to the International blu26 Swiss Championship in St. Moritz or the blu26 Cup Zurich, together with an exclusive training ahead of each event? 

Then you've come to the right place! With a Rookie Team of 4, you can embark on all of this!

Does that apply to you?

  • All team members are still in education
  • A minimum of 2 team members are under the age of 21 at the end of August
  • You feel and are at home on the water and happy competing in a regatta mode  
  • All team members can clear their agendas for the weekend of 21-23 August in St. Moritz (Swiss Championship) or 3-4 October in Zurich

Then this is awaiting you:

  • Participation at the International blu26 Swiss Championship in St. Moritz - Top of the World, 21-23 August or a participation at the blu26 Cup Zurich, 3-4 October 2020
  • An exclusive training ahead of the regatta 
  • Top blu26 boats will be made available as part of this initiative
  • The blu26 Rookie Initiative covers the costs for the training session, blu26 boat rental and the registration fees!

Apply with a 60 sec video message, who you are, and why you think YOUR team should win! Hand your video in through Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! no later than 15 July (for St. Moritz), resp. 1 September (für Zurich). Drawing the lot decides which team wins! 

The blu26 Rookie Initiative is our contribution to the sailing youths – and a door opener to a great sailing class! Thanks to the supporting companies and foundations.

The blu26 Committee - Thomas, Michael, Nadine, Anja and Céline 


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