Swiss Championship showdown for the first time in Zurich
In 2020, the blu26 class was first Swiss sailing class to courageously hold its Swiss Championship, and while the 2021 season was somewhat shortened due to Corona, it was no less attractive. After several 2-day, intensive training events in Zug in the months of April and May, the blu26 sailors met in August for the traditional Fleet Race in St. Moritz, and in September for the blu26 Cup Bayern at Tegernsee, Germany.

Sunshine and savvy sailing at the blu26 Bayern Cup
The Danish team wins the blu26 Bayern Cup 2021. After previous second and third places, the crew with skipper Soeren Laugesen have made it to the outstanding first place. Last weekend, 12 sailing teams from Germany, Switzerland and Denmark met at the starting line and competed in 9 exciting races over two days. In the end, the victory goes to Denmark.

blu26 Cup St. Moritz: „A great show“
Last week, 20 - 22 August, the lake of St. Moritz was in the hands of the blu26 sailing class with 3 days of intensive and exciting sailing. The fleet race battle Engadin is one of the top events on the blu26 sailing agenda. The list of favorites participating in the 10th edition of the blu26 Cup St. Moritz was long.

How to prepare for a successful sailing season
During April and May, 10 registered teams met at Lake Zug for a series of regatta trainings designed to prepare for the sailing season along with professional coaching. Due to the pandemic, the annual event that typically takes place in March at Lake Garda, this year transferred into a real training ‘summit’ along 3 practice weekends.

Veni, vidi, vinci! Interview with a new blu26 owner
On May 9, and with Neptune’s blessings, the blu26 fleet has welcomed a new family member. Julian Franke-Ruthel from Bavaria, blu26 sailor for many years, has become proud owner of ‘vinci’. We asked him how it feels and what it takes to be a blu26 boat owner. An inspiration for all those that intend to buy a blu26.

Win a participation in Training Lake Garda / Cup Lugano
To all young sailing teams from Switzerland, Southern Germany and Austria: keen on drawing the big lot and take part in Regatta Training Riva del Garda or the blu26 Cup in Lugano?