Blog - 2014

Blu26 Cup Zug vom 3./4.Mai 2014
On Friday night it was pouring when the last boats were craned in and even the forecast for the whole weekend wasn't that good. But on Saturday afternoon, the sky cleared up and the breeze kicked in.
Right after the skipper meeting we sailed 4 races on Saturday in cold but dry and windy conditions. On Sunday even the sun was watching tight races and brought again some wind. Due to the perfect conditions all boats were out of the water really early and ready to go before the prize giving at 3 pm.
With 4 bullets, Team VoodooChild won the Blu26 Cup in Zug. Second place for Team Marstrand, just 3 Points behind and Giachen Duos in third. Each point was hard-fought and no presents were made.
Mit 4 von 8 Laufsiegen konnte sich das Team VodooChild den ersten Rang verdient für sich gewinnen. Dicht gefolgt vom Team Marstrand und Giachen Duas mit jeweils nur 3 und 6 Punkten Differenz zum Erstplatzierten. Auch die weiteren Plätze waren hart umkämpft und es war noch nichts entschieden bis zum letzten Lauf.
Big thank you to the race committee and all the volunteers who made this event happen. It was a pleasure to be here and we will be back next year.
Christa Kuster, Giachen Duas