Blu26 Bayern Cup 2014

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The early birds from Switzerland came on Friday afternoon for an extra practice and for sure for the bavarian evening at the 'Braustüberl' with beer and sausage. They were already welcomed by Stefan Eder waiting for them with beer.

On Saturday after the skippers meeting, the racing started at 11 am with little breeze, which stands for another race, but then collapsed. The Teams went back ashore and relaxed for the afternoon race.

After a little storm and heavy rainfall, big breeze kicked in. The Race Committee started two fast and intensive races in up to 20 knots.

Back ashore the Team from the Yacht Club Bad Wiessee prepared a delicious dinner for the exhausted sailors.

The wind didn't came out of the shed on Sunday, so there was just one race started. After 5 races the winner was Team VoodooChild. They won the Bayern Cup ahead of second placed Alster Match Race Team of Robin Zinkmann and third placed Team Hazel by Mike Klötzli.

Big thank you to the Race Officer Wolfgang Kordes and Stephan Eder from Sailingcenter Tegernsee. The jury Uli Gasch and president of the Yacht Club Bad WIessee Peter Kathan and all the helping hands in the office and on water. They did a big job and everybody enjoyed it a lot.

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