Blu26 Bayern Cup 2015

This year the early birds from Switzerland already arrived on Thursday noon for an extra practice session and of course the traditional ‘Oktoberfest’. After the official practice session on Friday afternoon, one met in the evening at the 'Braustüberl' with beer and sausage.

On Saturday after the skippers meeting, the racing started at 11 am with nice breeze. It was very shifty, another reason why the races were always exciting till the end. After 3 races the windshift to the right was that big, the race committee decided to change the course. Then we managed to sail another two races in beautiful conditions. This wonderful sailing day ended with a fine dinner at the Yacht Club Bad Wiessee.

On Sunday the RC started early the missing two races. Because the wind almost dropped to zero, the last race was shortened at the second windward mark.

After 7 races, the Bavaria Cup has been won by Team Hazel, which showed a solid weekend, always finishing in the top spots. 2nd place went to the Engadin, Christa Kuster and her team on Giachen Duos. Third place went to Team blunote with helm Sarah von Werdt.

Big thank you to the prize sponsor ‘Herzoglich Bayerisches Brauhaus Tegernsee’ and the class sponsor DivinaWine, to the Race Officer Peter Flach. The jury Horst Unterleiter and president of the Yacht Club Bad Wiessee Peter Kathan and all the helping hands in the office and on water. See you again next year..
